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UARTBus OSI-2: Data link layer
In this context the packet is interpreted as a sequence of byte in a time frame. The time frame starts at the first sent byte and ends after the time of 2 (default value, but configurable) byte time transmission idle period.
A demonstration of UARTBus packages with collision handling (and retransmission) using two nodes plus one bus gateway. (This is an early development oscillogramm, timing not properly optimized)
- Channel 1, Red: Bus wire signal 2 V/Div
- Channel 2, Yellow: RX wire signal of the first device 1 V/Div
- Bus gateway sends a broadcast ping packet
- Collision occurred, both node cancels the transmission and step back for a random time (longer wait time to the next transmission start) (Ethernets style collision handling)
- First node "wins the arbitration" and sends the response pong packet
- Second node also retransmit the pong packet that collided previously
- No packet to send. Back to idle state.